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SKUsort descending Title Description Price
US-ES-001 Caring Connections

Building social skills & positive healthy relationships

US-ES-01 Children of Addiction

A support group for children impacted by parental addiction who learn.. "it's not your fault."

US-ES-02 Coping With Anger

Help children learn affective ways of dealing with angry feelings.

US-ES-03 Hummers Broken Heart

Helping children cope with parental separation and divorce.

US-ES-04 Focus 1-2-3

Helping students impacted by attention deficit disorder.

US-ES-05 Positively Hungry You

Self-image and building a healthy relationship with food.

US-ES-06 Loving Me, Loving You

Teaching children compassion and self-care.

US-ES-07 Tears of the Dove

A Grief & Loss group for children experiencing loss. 

US-ES-08 Spanish "Tears of The Dove"

A spanish speaking grief & Loss group for children experiencing loss.

US-ES-09 Bullies and Victims - Rebuilding a sense of self

A two-part manual with 8 activities assisting the bully in change and 8 activities to empower the victim.

US-ES-10 Life Skills

100 supplementary activities on self-esteem, friendship, communication, problem solving & more.

US-SEC-10 Families in Transition

A group for students impacted by parental seperation.


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