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Support Group Manuals:

SKUsort ascending Title Description Price
US-SEC-22 "Spanish" Personal Growth: Double manual K-12

Elementary & Secondary Foundation Personal Growth Activites

US-SEC-21 Insight

For students wanting more information on how alcohol & other drugs may be affecting their lives.

US-SEC-20 Extensions

Additional supplementary group activities for loss, living with addiction, anger, divorce & more.

US-SEC-19 Motivation

Helping young people care about their lives & future.

US-SEC-18 Self Esteem

Helping students develop positive self-esteem.

US-SEC-17 Prisoners of the Heart

For students with loved ones in prison.

US-SEC-16 Friendships

Making and keeping friends.

US-SEC-15 Getting Real With Myself

Coping with stress, academic and personal pressures.

US-SEC-14 Breaking The Cycle

Breaking the bully cycle.

US-SEC-13 Sobriety Support Group

For young people wanting to maintain a sober & drug free life.

US-SEC-12 Feeding the Hunger Within

Self-image and building a healthy relationship with food.

US-SEC-11 Moving On

Supporting Junior & Senior high school students moving through change.

US-SEC-10 Families in Transition

A group for students impacted by parental seperation.

US-SEC-09 Focus

Helping students impacted by attention deficit disorder.

US-SEC-08 New Student Group

Helping students make positive connections to school & friends.

US-SEC-07 Anger Management Support Group

Anger-the energy of transformation and positive change.

US-SEC-06 Concerned Persons

Helping children heal & cope with parental addiction.

US-SEC-05 Special People

A support group for young people healing from abuse and learning, "it's not your fault."

US-SEC-04 Dealing with Death

A grief and loss group dealing specifically with death.

US-SEC-03 Grief and Loss

Helping adolescents heal from loss: Death, trauma, moving & transition.

US-SEC-02 Self Care

An educational support group for young people who self-injure.

US-SEC-01 Healthy Teen Relationships

Explore the key components-respect, support, love & nuturing

US-ES-10 Life Skills

100 supplementary activities on self-esteem, friendship, communication, problem solving & more.

US-ES-09 Bullies and Victims - Rebuilding a sense of self

A two-part manual with 8 activities assisting the bully in change and 8 activities to empower the victim.

US-ES-08 Spanish "Tears of The Dove"

A spanish speaking grief & Loss group for children experiencing loss.

US-ES-07 Tears of the Dove

A Grief & Loss group for children experiencing loss. 

US-ES-06 Loving Me, Loving You

Teaching children compassion and self-care.

US-ES-05 Positively Hungry You

Self-image and building a healthy relationship with food.

US-ES-04 Focus 1-2-3

Helping students impacted by attention deficit disorder.

US-ES-03 Hummers Broken Heart

Helping children cope with parental separation and divorce.

US-ES-02 Coping With Anger

Help children learn affective ways of dealing with angry feelings.

US-ES-01 Children of Addiction

A support group for children impacted by parental addiction who learn.. "it's not your fault."

US-ES-001 Caring Connections

Building social skills & positive healthy relationships

US-CSP-03 Staff Support Group

Staff support, self-care and stress reduction.

US-CSP-02 Parent Support Group

Enhancing family communication and relationships.

US-CSP-01 After The Crisis

A two part manual for elementary & secondary students following a crisis.


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